"As I can't make it right for everyone, I mainly do it for myself.

"A lot of people don't like my decisions of changing a character but in the end, it is my texture pack," Nelde told Polygon. Nelde says he made the change because Lumas are more present in the Mario franchises, and because they're a more unique character design. Others, like changing the star-shaped Twink into a Luma (which first appeared in Super Mario Galaxy), have fans a little miffed. Larger alterations include some deviations of character designs, like making characters look more like their concept art or updating their look a little. Although the game remains unchanged in its personality, Nelde is making a few cosmetic tweaks. Speaking with Polygon via email, Nelde explained that he's always had a soft spot for Paper Mario, thanks to its funny dialogue and story. Dubbed New Paper Mario, it works by taking the game's original textures, enhancing them via Illustrator and Photoshop, and loading them back into the game using an emulator. The student goes by the handle Nelde and calls the mod project an unofficial retexturing of the original game.

A game design student at the Zurich University of the Arts (also known as ZHdK) is working on an HD mod of Paper Mario, released in North American in 2001 for Nintendo 64.